November 15, 2024
Crazy Safeguard Overload in the UK Bill Debate
Sometimes you have to wonder who dreams up these so-called ‘safeguards’ whenever assisted dying is up for discussion. This week, politicians in the UK bragged that their assisted dying bill would be ‘the strongest most robust piece of legislation on this issue in the world’. (Read the most difficult to qualify to use). Hard to […]

October 20, 2024
An Exitorial on the UK’s End of Life Debate
There is only story in town this week and it is about the movements within the UK legislative system for an end of life law. Labour backbench MP, Kim Leadbeater, is the latest flag-bearer. Over the years Exit has reported on this possibility many times. Each time we have been critical: some might say overly […]

July 28, 2024
The Sarco Project Timeline
The Evolution of a New Idea Sarco Project began back in 2012 when a lawyer in the UK asked Exit International Founder, Dr Philip Nitschke, if he could design a machine that could be used by Tony Nicklinson who was suffering from locked-in syndrome. Philip’s first machine ‘the Deliverance Machine’ that was used in Australia […]