ExiTech is a research program initiated by Exit International to facilitate research and development in important and lawful end-of-life strategies.
Exit International acknowledges that the issue of choice at the end-of-life depends on the technical development of better and more effective and peaceful ways for a person – in the context of old age or illness – to end their life.
There is currently no coordinated research program to explore these options. While a group known as NuTech was established in 1998 with these goals in mind, this group has since largely dissolved. Exit Director Dr Philip Nitschke was a co-founder of NuTech and has watched with sadness while this innovative program has collapsed through a lack of direction and ideas.
ExiTech aims to address the issues neglected by NuTech by allocating funds for specific research projects. Researchers with projects they see as furthering end of life choice are invited to apply for funding from Exit to pursue their goals.
The new ExiTech program is being underwritten by the sale of the Peaceful Pill Handbook. Research that leads to useful developments will be published by Exit in forthcoming editions of the eHandbook.
There are a number of projects identified as important and in need of further development. These include:
- Research into non-pharmacological barbiturates
- The cultivation and extraction of useful plant and animal toxins
- Alternative sources of inhalational agents to replace gases
There are many other important areas to explore. If you have an idea and are interested in seeking development funding, please contact ExiTech HERE.