Sean Davison New Book
The Price of Mercy
On 20 June 2022, Sean Davison will conclude his sentence of 3 years home arrest in Cape Town after taking a 'guilty' plea deal for the 'murders' (assisted suicides) of Anrich Burger, Justin Varian and Richard Holland in South Africa between 2013 and 2015.
During his time in home arrest Sean put pen to paper. The Price of Mercy is his new book.
The Price of Mercy gives an insider's view of how it feels to be persecuted and prosecuted by the State. Sean is the collateral damage from the South African State's obsession with proving a political point.
Join Sean Davison & Philip Nitschke at the Digital Launch of 'The Price of Mercy' on Monday 27 June @ 18.00 CET.
(Book launch times 27/6/22: Cape Town 16.00, London 17.00, East Coast USA 12.00, Pacific USA 09.00, NZ 04.00 Tues 28/7, Sydney 02.00, Tues 28/7)
Register free for the Digital Book Launch HERE
Read the 1st published extract HERE
Order The Price of Mercy HERE
Sean is Free - After 3 Years House Arrest
Monday 20 June 2022 is the first day of the rest of Sean Davison's life.
While many of us were locked down because of the pandemic. Sean was locked down by the South African State.
Exit Workshops Return
After more than 2 years, Exit Workshops are finally returning. The first date is confirmed.
Sean Davison will be the guest of honour & speak to his new book 'The Price of Mercy' (which will also be on sale).
WHERE: London, (Dragon Hall, 17 Stukeley St, WC2B 5LT)
WHEN: Saturday 15 October 2022
The London Workshop will be based on the new 'Essentials Edition' of the Peaceful Pill Handbook (See Topics).
- Places are limited (due to social distancing requirements).
- Exit Workshops are exclusive for Exit Members.
- Not a Member? Apply to Join
Pre-Order Now
In 10 short days, the new 'Essentials Edition' of the Peaceful Pill eHandbook will be published.
Pre-Orders are also now open for the print edition which will begin shipping in July.
Note - Exit Members receive US$15 discount per print copy (up to 3 copies).
Amsterdam's Het Parool Newspaper
Nails Problem with Dutch DIY Debate
This week, Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool has published a scathing criticism of the D66 'Completed Life' Bill. Journalist John Jansen van Galen writes:
The annoying thing about the never-ending debate about euthanasia is that it’s never really about suicide, but about assisted suicide: whether and under what conditions doctors may cooperate.
This fits in with what is called the ‘medicalization’ of society: virtually every problem is translated into medical terms and medical assistance. Being sick or wanting to die on your own seems out of fashion.
The groundbreaking proposal of the former D66 MP Pia Dijkstra was therefore that in the case of ‘completed life’ the doctor would not act as gatekeeper in suicide but a ‘death supervisor’, later euphemistically worded ‘end of life supervisor’.
It sounds humane, but in fact it means that you have to pass an entrance exam to be allowed to die. So it’s a long way from the right to self-determination ...
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