
Does Nembutal Cause Drowning?'

Much has been written about Nembutal and some of the other barbiturates used in execution deaths in the US. Some critics seem intent on giving Nembutal a bad name.

They say that 'flash pulmonary edema' (where the person experiences subjective drowning) is present in 66% of executions where Nembutal has been used. But is this true? The March 2025 Online Snippet will examine this claim and reach a scientific vis a vis ideological conclusion.

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  • Snippets - are exclusive for Exit Members (free) / Peaceful Pill eHandbook Subscribers (small cost)
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Exit Obituary - Derek Humphry

by Philip Nitschke

Derek Humphry was an inspiring and driving force in the modern right to die movement.

We met in 1997, and were kindred spirits in terms of limiting the involvement of the medical profession and developing accessible DIY end of life choices. In many ways Derek took all the risks when he put himself and out there in public in the early 90s with his ground-breaking book, Final Exit.

The existence of Final Exit made the publication of the Peaceful Pill Handbook easier for me. This is why the Peaceful Pill Handbook always has been (and will remain) dedicated to Derek.

Back in 2015, Derek wrote:

'Fiona and Philip,
Congratulations on your 2015 online version of The Peaceful Pill Handbook which I’ve just read. It is a stunning piece of work, truly the definitive scientific encyclopedia of the how-to-die subject.

As recently as late last year we were talking about the Sarco. He warned me of the likely push-back from within the mainstream right to die movement.

Derek was an ever-present source of advice and support to me. I will miss his wise counsel very much.

The full obituary can be read on the Exit Website
This week, Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool reports on the increasing phenomenon of 'duo euthanasia’ as it is called in Dutch.

In English we prefer to talk about ‘couples who choose to go together’.

In 2018 in the Netherlands there were 6 cases of couples dying together with euthanasia. In 2023 there were 33 cases.

This number could have been much higher but it remains very difficult for couples to go together, even in the Netherlands. Because of this some might say that this figure is artificially low.

A 'Couples Sarco' is currently being designed and will be the next Sarco to be printed.

The full Het Parool article (in English) can be read on the Exit Website

January 2025 Update

Different Methods, Different Deaths

  • Gases (exit bags, Sarco & further explanation on the Alabama execution protocol)
  • Salts (nitrite and azide)
  • Nembutal
The new sections describe the type of death that can be expected with each of these different methods (including more on the Alabama face mask protocol).

The Exit Reliability-Peacefulness Test Results are also updated accordingly.

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