Welcome to a New Year
You are invited to read this Open Letter from Philip Nitschke to the Exit community & beyond. Topics include:
- Welcome
- Exit Plans for 2022
- Answering the Sarco critics
- The promise of Sarco
- Mental capacity & elder/ child abuse
- Why nitrogen
- Lacking human touch or not?
- Sarco is not for everyone
- Learning from others' past mistakes
- Sarco costings
Update Webinars
The flagship program for Exit International in 2022 is a new, regular series of Peaceful Pill eHandbook Update Webinars, commencing Wednesday 23 February 2022. The topic of the February 2022 Update Webinar will be the 'Sarco'.
The concept behind the Update Webinars is to provide PPeH Subscribers & Exit Members with an overview of the changes that are made with each Update to the PPeH & provide an opportunity in real time for Q&A.
Update Webinars are exclusive to current Exit Members (regardless of whether they subscribe to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook) & current PPeH Subscribers.
A new Update Webinar will be held each time a substantial update is made to the PPeH (6-12 times per year).
- Held online
- Duration 60 minutes
- 21.00 GMT on the last Wednesday of the month
- Registration is required for each Webinar
- Webinars are Free for Exit Members
- On Subscription for PPeH Subscribers, US$40
- New Subscribers can bundle the a 24-month PPeH subscription + 12 month Webinar Series subscription, US$125
Missed the 2021 Snippet Series?
Recordings - Available Now
If you missed one or more of Exit's 2021 Snippet Online Workshops (held February - December 2021) and you are an Exit Member or a Subscriber to the PPeH (all languages), you can now subscribe to the recordings.
Topics: Lethal Inorganic Salts, the Gases, Drug Premedication & Potentiation, Morphine & the Opioids, Dying at Pegasos, Miscellaneous Drugs, the Barbiturates, USA Lethal Mixtures, Sarco & other Devices & Year in Summary & late Developments.
The subscription period is 12 months from the start date and provides access to recordings of all 10 of the 2021 Snippets.
* Apologies to Exit Members but a small amount must be charged to cover the tech costs of providing the recordings.
* Subscribers must be > 50 years & of sound mind
* Photo ID may be required
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