Dignified Final Moments on Film
Zsuzsi Yardley at Pegasos
Last week we reported on the death of Holocaust Survivor, Zsuzsi Yardley at Pegasos in early June. Zsuzsi was 81 years old and she was not sick.
This week we feel both honoured (and a little sad) to include film of the final moments of the life of this amazing woman in the June 2021 Swiss Options PPeH Update to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook.
For those who have ever wondered what a death at a Swiss clinic looks like, then this new addition to the Swiss Options Chapter is essential viewing.
We have also made another significant change this month to the Chapter on 'Nembutal Availability' as we ponder the disappearance of a long-time Mexican source of the drug.
* Note - Subscriptions are only available to the over 50s of sound mind & photo ID may be required.
Gold Coast Bulletin Interview
with Cath Henderson on the new Queensland Law
Exit's Gold Coast Coordinator - Cath Henderson - has given a long interview to News Ltd's Gold Coast Bulletin ahead of the expected passing of the Queensland Voluntary Assisted Dying law.
Arguing that the new Queensland law does not go far enough in helping the vast majority of Queenslanders, Cath says that Exit will continue to lobby for the good death to be seen a human right, rather than a medical privilege reserved only for the very sick.
Queensland Law Public Consultation
In more news from the Sunshine State ...
For those interested in attending the public consultation on Queensland's forthcoming Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill, Dr Philip Nitschke is scheduled to address the committee (based on the draft program) between 2.30 - 3pm local time on Thursday 15 July.
Philip will attend from Amsterdam by teleconference.
The Public Consultation will be held in the Undumbi Room, Parliament House, Brisbane.
Griffith University School of Nursing and Midwifery Senior Lecturer, Dr Jayne Hewitt, has penned an interesting article on the importance of public consultation in related to assisted dying law reform. Dr Hewitt suggests community consultation is one reason why assisted dying is currently sweeping across the Australian nation.
Dr Hewitt's article is here
'Beg & Grovel' Laws
to be Considered for Scotland
'Same old same old' as the saying goes. This time in the land of the brave.
The BBC reports that a new Bill is to be introduced in the Scottish Parliament on Monday 21 June 2021.
With the sun high in the sky, it seems Liberal Democrats MSP Liam McArthur wants medical assisted dying for Scots who are over 18 year, terminally ill etc etc etc.
This narrowly-conceived bill shows little maturity in who it seeks to include in its multitudinous safeguards.
Indeed, like similar medical model laws in the US, Australia and lil' old NZ, a law based on this Scottish proposal will serve only a lucky few who are prepared to (and ironically well enough to) jump through the hoops the system will place in their path.
Read the full BBC report here
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