
Peaceful Pill eHandbook - New Essentials Edition

Publication date: 30 June 2022

In 4 days time, Exit will publish the new, online 'Essentials Edition' of the Peaceful Pill eHandbook.
  • Existing subscribers can be transferred free to the new edition, on application.
  • Essentials Edition will not be available online until 30 June 2022
Existing Subscribers Apply HERE - 'Essentials' Transfer
Pre Order - Print Edition Here

  • Exit Members receive:
  • US$15 discount per print copy (shipping July/ August) (up to 3 copies)
  • US$10 per online subscription (new subscribers)

Join Sean Davison @ Digital Book Launch

Price of Mercy, 18.00 CET Mon 27 June

Professor Sean Davison is now a free man. He will be launching his new memoir - The Price of Mercy - 18.00 CET, Monday 27 June 2022.

You are invited!

The Price of Mercy gives an insider's view of how it feels to be persecuted & prosecuted by the State for 3 murders that he did not commit.

Sean is the collateral damage from the South African State's obsession with proving a political point.

If you would like to contact Sean directly at Dignity Sth Africa, he is at: seandavisondsa@gmail.com

(Book launch times 27/6/22: Cape Town 18.00, London 17.00, East Coast USA 12.00, Pacific USA 09.00, NZ 04.00 Tues 28/7, Sydney 02.00, Tues 28/7)

Register free for Digital Book Launch HERE
Published extract HERE
The Price of Mercy on Kindle

Quadriplegic Italian Man dies Assisted Suicide

On 16 June, 2022, Federico Carboni became the first person to receive lawful help to die in Italy.

A traffic accident 12 years earlier had left him a quadriplegic. Mr Carboni was not terminally ill.

In requesting help to die, he made use of the 2019 ruling by Italy's Constitutional Court which ruled that assisted suicide could not be considered a crime as long as certain conditions were met.

Federico had mental capacity and he was able to self-administer the Nembutal via a syringe driver.

It took Federico 2 years from his initial request to the regional health authority allowing the Nembutal to be prescribed for him and the mode of administration to be agreed upon

In the same week, a different man, Fabio Ridolfi, a 46-year-old who had been paralyzed for 18 years, died in palliative care because his request for help to die dragged on and on and he ran out of time.

Read more on the Exit Website

My Life - My Death

We cannot let the week pass without some mention of the overturning of Roe v Wade and women's right to access abortion in that country.

From here in Europe, this court decision seems a stunningly naive & backward development.

Exit has much sympathy with the abortion issue, it is my life after all.

It is also my body & my right to choose what I do with it.

My Life, My Choice, My Death

We cannot be clearer than this!
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