
Exit Snippet this Wednesday

7 April 2021 @ 21.00 Brit Summer Time (BST)

Topics include:
  • additional drugs & techniques for an elective death
  • role of anti-vomiting drugs, sedatives, b blockers, alcohol etc
  • consequences of long drug shelf life & poor drug storage
  • drug sources of doubtful origin & the role of testing
  • drug purity/ impurity & how to correct
  • as well as useful techniques such as hyperventilation & fasting
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Time Zones

  • 21.00 BST - London
  • 22.00 CEST - Amsterdam
  • 13.00 Pacific – Nth America
  • 16.00 East – Nth America
  • 8am AEDT – Thursday 8 April - Sydney/ Melbourne
Calculate your time zone

* Recordings are available on subscription to Exit Members & PPeH Subscribers
** Registrations for 7 April Snippet close tomorrow, Easter Monday (5 April)

March 2021 PPeH UPdate

Multiple Changes & News

Topics of the March PPeH Update
  • New Gases Chapter
  • DeBreather Update
  • Pegasos Update
  • Covid Chapter Update
  • & lots of other small things ...
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R2D DeBreather

Now Shipping from Supplier

After months of discussion & waiting, Exit has it on good authority that the DeBreather is now shipping. Delivery is via DHL & UPS.

The DeBreather is an end of life device that provides the wearer with a low oxygen 'happy hypoxic' death.

The relaunched DeBreather has significant modifications & has become the topic of much comment within the Peaceful Pill Forums.

Read about the DeBreather in the March 2021 PP eHandbook Update
Log in to the Peaceful Pill Forums

* Please note, forums are exclusive for subscribers & Exit Members.
* Photo ID is essential on application.

March 2021 Doxit Podcast

Always there for Free Listening

In The Inevitable by Katie Engelhart, readers can find one of the most thorough analyses of the modern right to die movement.

We meet Exit Members: Avril Henry who is old, Maia Calloway whose body is failing her due to MS & Adam Maier-Clayton who has some serious & chronic mental illnesses. We also meet Debra Koosed who is losing her mind to dementia.

To listen to the March Doxit Podcast is to be the fly behind the fly on the wall …

Doxit Podcasts are available for free listening on the Peaceful Pill eHandbook website, Anchor, Spotify etc.
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