August 24 Nitrogen PPeH Update
Two developments have occurred in recent weeks.
Firstly, a new global supplier of small, disposable Nitrogen cylinders ideal for a DIY reliable and peaceful death has emerged.
These Nitrogen cylinders tick all the boxes. The are:
- Small & discrete
- Cheap
- Easy to use (no pressure gauge required)
- Disposable
The second Nitrogen issue concerns the changes made by the State of Alabama to its execution protocol that also uses Nitrogen gas. Will it make the killing more 'palatable'?
NZZ Anti-Sarco Lies Exposed
Since its launch in Switzerland in July 2024, The Last Resort has been under attack from powerful Swiss media (NZZ newspaper) and others within the lucrative Swiss assisted suicide industry resistant to any move to democratise the process.
This week for the first time, The Last Resort provides first person accounts of the evidence refuting the allegations made by 'Person X'.
This baptism of fire has a sordid feel to it, as though someone is pulling the media's strings. At the end of the day, all organisations are left the poorer from such bitter (and unnecessary) in-fighting.
The Aim of the Sarco Project remains to
- Slash the cost of dying in Switzerland for foreigners & Swiss alike
- Provide a less-medicalised, drug-free option to suitable candidates
Who Gets to Die in the Netherlands?
After more than 20 years with a euthanasia law, the Netherlands is never far from controversy.
The current cutting-edge issue in this country is the role of psychiatry when it comes to the euthanasia of people who are mentally ill, especially young people.
In late 2023, a 17-year old Dutch woman was helped to die. Her mother was in full support of her decision.
The psychiatrist who signed off on her death is now under attack from others within his own profession.
There are dirty politics going on here and a public prosecutor who is willing to listen (too much and too often) to the anti-choice lobby.
To read Miriam de Bontridder's powerful opinion piece on the issue is to understand better the politics of reaction in play (this article was originally published in Dutch in De Volkskrant newspaper).
Free Webinar
The Last Resort will host its first webinar at 22.00 (CEST) on Tuesday 3 September 2024.
The Webinar will be chaired by CoPresident of The Last Resort, Dr Florian Willet.
The issues covered include the background to setting up the new organisation, how it will function to offer the Sarco device, why it can offer free assisted dying and the recent month-long misinformation campaign that has been spear-headed by NZZ media.
For all other questions, don't forget the free, open Q&A on The Last Resort Website.
Time Zones - Tuesday 3 September 2024
East Coast USA (EDT) 16.00
West Coast USA (PDT) 13.00
Sydney (AEST) 06.00 (Wednesday 4th)
Exit October 2024 Workshop-Webinar
In an era where everything is increasingly online, and international travel is fraught with danger or disease, Exit has relaunched our popular Webinar-Workshop program, hosted by Dr Philip Nitschke.
The next Webinar is scheduled for Tuesday 15 October 2024.
The workshop will be based on the Peaceful Pill eHandbook Essentials & cover all the main topics (drugs, gases, Switzerland etc) of practical end of life strategies, allowing plenty of time for audience Q&A.
Time Zones - Tuesday 15 October
Amsterdam (CEST) 12.00 noon
East Coast USA (EDT) 06.00
Video ID verification is required.
Duration 2 hours, inc 15 minute break