
New Update - Going to Switzerland Book

People often ask which Swiss service would suit them best.

While there is no clear answer to this question, there are some significant differences between the current two main players, Dignitas and Pegasos.

The new update to Going to Switzerland: how to plan your final exit provides an updated overview of both services. We also explain the methodology used in summarizing all of the Swiss services covered in the book.

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More Information about Exit's Swiss Programs can be found at ExitSwitzerland.com

Sean Davison Bids Farewell

After 18 months working (more than) full time and many more years as a friend and colleague of Exit, Sean Davison is moving on.

Sean came to work with Exit as soon as he was able to leave South Africa, after the conclusion his term of three years home detention, following his triple murder convictions.

During his time at Exit, Sean organised the Swiss Programs and supported many Exit Members on their final journey.

Understandably, this work has taken its toll, but Sean has said he wouldn't have had it any other way.

Sean leaves the Swiss Programs in the capable hands of his colleague Kaya whom many people will know.

Kaya has a background in the allied sciences, and is a Swiss national who will tell you that, these days, she is more fluent in English than in German :-)

Farewell Sean and we hope that you and your family find the peaceful life you so deserve.

Read Sean's Resignation Letter on the Exit Website

June Peaceful Pill eHandbook Essentials Update

Next month, Exit will provide an important update to the Lethal Salts Chapter of the Peaceful Pill eHandbook Essentials.

The Update will examine:

  • developments in the criminal case against Canadian Ken Law & its implications for those who purchased from him
  • the Analogues and available alternatives
  • news on new sources (given how difficult it has become to purchase this once ubiquitous preserving ingredient)

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The Dementia Question Special

May eDeliverance Newsletter

This month's Exit eDeliverance Newsletter is focused on Dementia.

Fiona Stewart writes about her mother Pam and the conversations that they failed to have.

A long time resident of the Netherlands, where a voluntary euthanasia request can be included in one's advance directive, Fiona asks if this is 'really the answer?'

'Find me a doctor who wants to be my executioner' she writes? 'Surely a better solution is technological'.

Why aren't we talking about the Plug Implant as a possible way that would allow the individual self-control and the taking of the ultimate responsibility?

Read the May eDeliverance Newsletter on the Exit Website.
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