
June Peaceful Pill eHandbook Essentials Update

Next month, Exit will provide an important update to the Lethal Salts Chapter of the Peaceful Pill eHandbook Essentials.

The Update will examine:

  • developments in the criminal case against Canadian Ken Law & its implications for those who purchased from him
  • the Analogues and available alternatives
  • news on new sources (given how difficult it has become to purchase this once ubiquitous preserving ingredient)

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The Dementia Question Special

May eDeliverance Newsletter

This month's Exit eDeliverance Newsletter is focused on Dementia.

Fiona Stewart writes about her mother Pam and the conversations that they failed to have.

A long time resident of the Netherlands, where a voluntary euthanasia request can be included in one's advance directive, Fiona asks if this is 'really the answer?'

'Find me a doctor who wants to be my executioner' she writes? 'Surely a better solution is technological'.

Why aren't we talking about the Plug Implant as a possible way that would allow the individual self-control and the taking of the ultimate responsibility?

Read the May eDeliverance Newsletter on the Exit Website.
Loek de L.

Dutch Court Action Blamed for Death of

One of the Seven Accused

On 27 April, Loek de L. died in hospital in the Netherlands.

Immediately prior to his death, he had been one of the seven members of the organisation Cooperation Last Will (CLW) who are currently being prosecuted in the Netherlands for the supply of Middel X (sodium azide) amongst themselves and their members.

This act of supply and the alleged conspiracy is contrary to Dutch law.

Dutch euthanasia law (despite its reputation) is restrictive and closely policed. Strict conditions must be met.

Fellow accused Hans Peltenburg has written a powerful opinion article which lays the blame for Leok's untimely death squarely at the door of the prosecutor who brought the case against CLW and the seven elderly members (all in their 70s and 80s) in the first place.

Read more on the Exit Website
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